I have been asked to provide details of the non consensual experimentation that I have experienced. This is from my latest book … https://www.amazon.com/Notes-Engineered-Life-Controlled-America-ebook/dp/B08LDSVGDJ/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=rosanne+marie+schneider&qid=1636069331&qsid=145-7993626-8350851&s=digital-text&sr=1-2&sres=B014B4YUDS%2CB08LDSVGDJ


When I describe the following I want you to think of not only nonconsensual experimentation but also of training exercises, because frankly nothing else makes sense. Who was I? A nobody. Why would anyone want to do this to me? Perhaps there was the angle of silencing an old MKUltra victim, perhaps the lords of England didn’t like me involved with their architectural heritage, perhaps I had witnessed too many strange deaths, perhaps I had business dealings with organized crime and didn’t even know it, perhaps someone didn’t like my nationality, or my religion, or my politics, perhaps someone wanted to sleep with me and I refused, perhaps my devotion to animal rescue made me suspicious, perhaps it was just simple depopulation and enforced communism .. I will never know the answer to this question …

When everybody in the town thought that I was crazy, a criminal or both the real fun began. I was hit by something that felt electrical, as if I was being shocked. It was very painful and caused me to overheat. My whole body felt burnt but especially my face and feet. It was during one of these events that I went to an emergency room. My face was beet red and it had been raining for weeks so it was not a sunburn. I thought that some kind of chemical was being thrown at me and I said so. They refused to give me a simple blood test to determine that. Instead they took my blood pressure and it was through the roof, in fact they wouldn’t let me leave until they brought it down. Now, I was not only on thyroid medication for life, a symptom that many targeted individuals share, but I would be taking blood pressure medication for life as well. Was someone like Big Pharma making money from engineered misery?

 Another time I felt suddenly dizzy while driving my car. I pulled off into a parking lot and passed out cold. Two hours later I woke up and went to an emergency room. My blood pressure was so low that I was setting off alarms. It was gradually normalized without explanation. Someone explain this to me. I could have been killed. Another time, the whole inside of my mouth was burnt. This is on record at my doctor’s office. She was so concerned that she sent me to a specialist but there was never a real diagnosis made, as I remember. Another mystery. I have photos of me waking up with a black eye, I have photos of holes burnt into my skin and bruises that I sustained in the middle of the night. I woke up one day feeling that I had been drugged and I found a scar on my right hand between the forefinger and thumb. That’s where authorities put tracking chips.

I had an MRI brain scan at one point in hopes of explaining the loud tinnitus in one ear. I was also getting headaches in the left temple area which seemed to precipitate an attack. I was also experiencing left eye drop and I actually saw a Facebook posting about it. There was a photo circulating of politicians and celebrities and they all had left eye drop like me. Oh my God. The MRI showed abnormalities when compared with normal MRIs online but no one said anything. I also got a report saying that I had unspecified metal fragments in my brain.

I was in between roommates waiting for the next person to move in and I was alone. I was viciously attacked with directed energy of some kind, and there was a pattern to it. Attacks to my heart would occur every night when I went to bed, attacks to my hearing would occur every day when I woke up … I was burnt on the chest every morning to awaken me … It was like clockwork and very precise. This would later be called Satanic Ritual Abuse, and according to my research, it’s a component of trauma based mind control.  Also, my teeth were being removed one by one. I would feel energy and pain on the side of my face and in the morning the tooth would be loose. This would happen until it fell out. Almost all of my top teeth were removed in this way. Many other victims have reported the same thing. Then I started noticing that the activists around me all had missing teeth. Oh my God. At this time I was waking up to the problem. It wasn’t just me going through this, it was hundreds and hundreds of people all across the country going through this. What on earth was going on?

I was doing a computer search one night using the term “chemical assault” and I tripped across the targeted individual community. There were thousands of videos and websites online from people who were being attacked just like me. It’s as if there was a script. Precision destruction. It just had to be military. There were conference calls with these people every night of the week and so I got on them. After a few false starts (this world is highly infiltrated) I met some truly great people. My own theories centered on Agenda 21 and the push for a global government.

I became a researcher at this time because I couldn’t believe what was happening to me and so I read about all of the conspiracy possibilities. The conspiracy theories that I focused in on were the documented ones and I began to investigate how targeting could tie in with global agendas. Taking down America is paramount for any global government and I was surely being taken down. Not only did the whole community think that I was either crazy or a criminal of some kind, but my close personal friends started to drop off one by one.

My life had been infiltrated by a new “best friend” who played a role in this. She continued the “crazy” narrative to most of my friends. She did really really bad things but looking back I could see that she was targeted also and trying to save her family. At home things were awful. I had one pet stolen and the others were being affected by something that was making them pull out their hair and fight. I finally gave them away to save them and never saw them again. All pets gone.

 Mr.C tried to save me by having me move in with him but it was disastrous. I didn’t realize it at the time but he might have been affected by frequencies as well. He could not understand his own behavior at one point, because most of the time he was angry and did not want me there. He was quick to argue and demanding. Not like my friend at all.  While I was on his roof deck in the middle of San Francisco, a big black helicopter sat stationary over my head for at least twenty minutes. Thirty or Forty feet above me. I was amazed. If I went out of his apartment I was followed. I was beginning to realize that I was in huge trouble. These were not irate neighbors doing this, as many think, … this was massive and well funded. This felt like our military but why were they attacking their own people? Were they using me for training exercises? Possibly because of remote influencing technologies, Mr. C and I just could not tolerate being together and I left his apartment within a week. He later sent me a text message to say that he could no longer stand the sound of my voice. All friends gone.

Isolation is a well-known component of torture. The torture at this time was continuous. I had a strong taste of salt in my mouth, my skin was drying up, my muscles were misbehaving and it was difficult to get things done, but I persisted. There were sexual attacks, muscular attacks, sneezing attacks, coughing attacks, pain and burning to my feet, breasts, vagina, face, head, hands, legs … my body was swollen and burnt. My pubic hair had been burnt off, my toenails had been disfigured, lots of wrinkles added to my face, I had put on weight, my top teeth had fallen out, I had developed brown spots all over my body, and I was now ugly. Good job boys! I had to wonder if this was done for perverse reasons or to keep me from finding a mate … Either way it was cruel, and obviously these were tailored attacks against women, … not much had changed since my mother had faced the same thing.

I tried to construct a shelter out of old card tables and shielding material but the perpetrators got right through it. I finally ripped off some sheet metal from the washing machine and that seemed to shield me from direct attacks to my organs. I slept with my grandfather’s old stew pot over my head stuffed with Mylar and cotton and I bought a 400 lb. neodymium magnet. Everything helped a bit but there was no stopping the torture.

I once heard scientists talking about me for about 15 seconds and then that feed went dead. I also heard a large “Meow” as I was trying to sleep. My cats were with me then and they jumped to the ceiling. This was projected sound.

Driving had suddenly become a disaster. After forty years of a perfect driving record I had two minor accidents and I was stopped by the Highway Patrol three times. At the same time my nice car was being destroyed. Every day there was more vandalism to it. One day the back window flew out as I was going down the freeway. Another time the brake lines had been cut. Another time all of the oil had been drained from the car. Another time a tire had been shot out prompting my tire guys to send me to the police. Some kind of chemical had been thrown at the car which disintegrated the clear coat. The side mirror had been knocked off. The trunk lock had been broken. It went on and on until the car just stopped working one day. My mechanic said that it looked like a lightning bolt had hit the distributor. I gave up and I was without a car.

 Agenda 21. Seriously, that’s my guess…. and I’m furious. Without a vehicle I lost the ability to work, to exercise, to shop, to visit friends and I became completely dependent on everyone around me. No independence. None. But it worked out well for the control freaks who were doing this because they didn’t want me living in a location where I would need a car.  Agenda 21. Research Rosa Koire and listen carefully to every word that she says. I am but a lab rat for this Agenda and I can tell you that it is pure fascism disguised as concern for the environment.

At this time I also lost computers. They were all hacked and destroyed. Four of them. Windows was useless against this so I went to Linux, very stable, and then the screen blew out and the keys started malfunctioning. I finally gave up and bought a smart phone.

This is from a current notebook that I keep. It’s an abuse log. It was written on 4/16/2020.

 “Abuse Log – Current Hostile takeover of my home 

Destruction of smart phone by destroying battery 

Rash all over body upon awakening… Black eye, or bruised eye upon awakening 

Wound on ankle upon awakening

Repeated jamming of phone signal 

Burning of inside of mouth 

Massive tinnitus in one ear 


Difficulty walking, pain in legs, difficulty maintaining balance 

Shooting pains throughout body 

Difficulty breathing at times 

Abuse Log – Past 

•             Destruction of four computers

•             Destruction of two cars

•             Destruction of multiple phones

•             Repeated tickets by highway patrol

•             Staged accidents

•             Attempts to run me off the road

•             Multi perpetrators practicing on foot surveillance – suspect C.O.P.S.

•             Police surveillance

•             Destruction of most personal property

•             In home infiltration and use of property for nonconsensual experimentation on victims of remote influencing technologies

•             Torture and theft of pets to induce trauma

•             Sabotage and destruction of businesses to increase dependency on government funding

•             Slander and lies to husband and community for discrediting purposes

•             Theft of two pieces of private property

 Remote Influencing Technologies ( Neuroscience ) Applied to Produce the Following Symptoms:

 •            Immediate and unexpected sleep

•             Immediate and unexpected anger

•             Immediate and unexpected sorrow

•             Immediate and unexpected anxiety

•             Vivid nightmares

•             Pain in all parts of the body

•             Heart attack symptoms

•             Stomach aches, nausea and indigestion, inability to digest, lack of appetite

•             Extreme tinnitus in one ear

•             Sudden and unexpected coughing

•             Difficulty breathing

•             Sudden back ache, knee ache, shoulder ache, ankle ache

•             Attacks on Achilles Tendon

•             Sudden constant sneezing

•             Destruction of thyroid functioning

•             High blood pressure

•             Visual disturbances

•             Fabricated smells

•             Fabricated sounds, including words ( military term – V2k, Voice to Skull )

•             Fabricated sights

•             Gassing – chemical experimentation

•             Sudden dizziness

•             Sudden memory loss, searching for words, confusion

•             Sudden edema in legs and feet

•             Burning of feet and toes

•             Burning of face, creation of wrinkles

•             Burning of chest, breast and vagina

•             Sudden nasal congestion

•             Knee malfunction

•             Internal bleeding

•             Sudden infections

•             Dentistry problems, tooth loss

•             Sudden weight loss or gain

•             Sudden heating up of body

•             Sudden chills

•             Strange courage in the face of danger 

•             Sudden incontinence, loss of urination or defecation control

•             Sudden severe migraines

•             Headache

•             Sinus pain

•             Sudden pain pricks in eyes and other parts of the body

•             Loss of balance

•             Sudden severe muscle cramps

•             Sudden severe heart pain

•             Arthritis

•             Skin abnormalities, rashes, bites, etc.

•             Sudden vertigo

•             Itching eyes

•             Blurry vision

•             Mind control, performing actions that you have no control over like looking at your watch at the exact same time every day. 

 Other affects surrounding the target:

 •            Changes in animal behavior, increased aggression in all species, barking and attacking dogs, migration of unwanted pests into the home, wildlife that seems confused, pets that are acting abnormally, pets in pain, pets in distress, pets developing diseases, pets dying, pets disappearing without a trace.

 •            Landscaping changes, plant death, tree death, proliferation of unwanted species ( weeds ), holes punched in soil, water rerouted through soils leading to flooding, increase of silt in soil leading to inability to sustain life, increase of molds in soil, reduction of insect life, all done remotely. 

 Damage to home, damage to roof, damage to fencing, damage to appliances, damage to woodwork, damage to electrical system, damage to fireplace, damage to plumbing, damage to water system … all done remotely.

 •            Biological Teleportation … yes, I’m serious… look it up …   

That’s quite a long list, isn’t it? And I’m sure that I’m leaving many things out. Can you see how this technology might affect big Pharma profits? Or privately owned psychological institutions? Or privately owned jails? Or economics? Or relationships? Or housing?

Those calling themselves targeted individuals are tortured 24/7 for years. All that I have claimed here is now being verified by some very important people. The tide appears to be turning just a bit. Brave people are starting to help ….

20 thoughts on “Symptoms of Electromagnetic Targeting

  1. Do you mind sharing your name, I mean you are stalked and harassed; it’s not like everyone doesn’t know you?

    *St**an J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant* *Ad**v**anced Media Group*

    *www.amgglobalentertainmentgroup.com Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) * *Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP *

    *Notice and Disclaimer:* *Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of the media. How long can Lancaster County and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel; the Torture from U.S. Sponsored Mind Control; and the crimes of COINTELPRO Operations. **Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List.*

    On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 10:47 AM Human Rights Watch wrote:

    > humanrightswatch3 posted: ” I have been asked to provide details of the > non consensual experimentation that I have experienced. This is from my > latest book … > https://www.amazon.com/Notes-Engineered-Life-Controlled-America-ebook/dp/B08LDSVGDJ/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=rosanne+marie+schn” > >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sunday December 26, 2021 5:45pm Gmail – NEW FILING – US DISTRICT COURT NEW Satu…

    *St**an J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant* *Ad**v**anced Media Group*

    *www.amgglobalentertainmentgroup.com Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) * *Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP *

    *Notice and Disclaimer:* *Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of the media. How long can Lancaster County and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel; the Torture from U.S. Sponsored Mind Control; and the crimes of COINTELPRO Operations. **Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List.*


  3. Your story sounds familiar. I have been through some of the harrassment.you mention. The exception to my story is that I know who it is that is launching this attack on me. I know their name. I am also in the Bay Area. I am also a woman. There aren’t many of us left here in the Bay Area. I may be able to help you.


  4. *Friday February 11, 2022 1:25pm*

    *STAN J. CATERBONE’S Video Statement of Friday February 11, 2022 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA_Md7FEvZM *

    [image: WIN_20220211_12_24_56_Pro.jpg]

    *St**an J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower* *The Ad**v**anced Media Group*

    *www.amgglobalentertainmentgroup.com Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) * *Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP *

    *You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Company of the CIA and NSA – Indicted in 1991 as one of the United States Largest Frauds, James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON!*


  5. Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  6. Sunday May 29, 2022 5:05pm Michael, the phone was STOLEN at Brewers Outlet while I was buying tobacco and tubes! Bad start for the FAMILY FROM INDIA that purchased Brewers Outlet from Steve and Don Henry! Another COINTELPRO Hit! Tell him to drop it in my mailbox!

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  7. Monday May 30, 2022 4:30pm

    The Completed STAN J. CATERBONE Lancaster City Human Rights Complaint of MONDAY May 30, 2022

    [image: Tweet Human Rights Complaint Finished on Monday May 30, 2022.PNG] Tweet Human Rights Complaint Finished on Monday May 30, 2022 The Completed STAN J. CATERBONE Lancaster City … https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AyVb-gcbN1l9Npr1htw6h00_Y4LxIfQB/view?usp=drive_web

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  8. Sunday June 12, 2022 7:21pm

    File & ServeXpress Basic June 12, 2022 – STAN J. CATERBONE – This is How it HAPPENED – The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program 1904 to 2021*

    File & ServeXpress Basic June 12, 2022 – STAN J… https://drive.google.com/file/d/19CEMVAWOgOyF9NBzOBa4t0VyFX6dO_Jh/view?usp=drive_web

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  9. Thursday June 23, 2022 2:25am

    https://secure.fileandservexpress.com/Document/Download/f48651b6-9c51-471e-8b6d-fb8609f311f61 UPDATED Stan J. Caterbone and The ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP re RELIEF FROM THE COURTS AS EVIDENCED TODAY Wednesday June 22, 2022 https://secure.fileandservexpress.com/Document/Download/f48651b6-9c51-471e-8b6d-fb8609f311f61

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  10. Friday June 24, 2022 2:28pm

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  11. Saturday June 25, 2022 9:12pm

    SATURDAY June 25, 2022 Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANT Richard Mendez, Chief of Lancaster City Police

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  12. MONDAY June 27, 2022 3:19am – Good Luck!

    FILED Monday June 27, 2022 – Stan J. Caterbone CP-36-MD-0000900-2021 (Ashley Ramirez 1252 Fremont Street Summary Appeal) MOTION FOR EMERGENCY STAY of Hearing on June 27, 2022 FILED Monday June 27, 2022 – Stan J. Caterbone … https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qglsh3-G5du0-vl0l7WkkRRYbeFRHAiJ/view?usp=drive_web

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  13. Stan, I am approving all of your comments and I share my blog with patriots all over the country … of course my work is censored … I’m going through what you’re going through … isolation, can’t go in my home at times without opening all windows and doors, microwave attacks leaving me useless … my mother was MKUltra, so was I … keep speaking out … the numbers are growing … stay strong … we will win this …


  14. FIRST FRIDAY July 1, 2022 6:52pm

    FILED – STAN J. CATERBONE Summary Appeal DOCKET REPORT CP-36-CR-0000921-2019 July 1, 2022 – Includes REQUEST FOR TRANSCRIPT Dated June 30, 2022 and DIRECT EXPRESS APP FILED – STAN J. CATERBONE Summary Appeal DOCKET… https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BN-_USS11MCkQRGZ7SG8QbwOTn6IwktX/view?usp=drive_web

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  15. Saturday July 2, 2022 11:49am

    FILED The Hate Crime Report of 2018 and The ALLSTATE Transcript of 2016 FILED The Hate Crime Report of 2018 and The ALL… https://drive.google.com/file/d/1USNAWiGZcoDoynkImXsSdjOSekS185gH/view?usp=drive_web [image: allstate transcript.JPG]

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


  16. MONDAY July 4, 2022 8:49pm

    Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant and Federal Whistleblower *The Adv**anced Media Group*

    (223)244-0316 Call or Text Linkedin Professional Networking Profile (click here) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stan-caterbone-95b9a8bb Twitter for THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP https://twitter.com/ADVANCEDMEDIAG1

    *PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE: You have no idea of the TORTURE when your BRAIN IS HIJACKED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Thru The Use of MICROWAVE WEAPONS! It is the ULTIMATE in PAIN & SUFFERING – Welcome To the World of HAVANA SYNDROME. I have been a Federal Whistleblower since 1987 – Re International Signal & Control, or ISC – An International Arms Dealer and a Black Budget Project for the CIA and NSA – PROSECUTED in 1991 as one of the largest FRAUDS in the United States. Click Here To Watch the VIDEO Federal False Claims Act and The ISC/CIA Scandal of 1991 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34U3fyEqoU0. I became a Victim of Microwave Weapons in 2005 (**60 Minutes Feb 20, 2022 “Havana Syndrome” stumps investigators as U.S. officials report injuries on White House grounds – YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1meGH0Dts9M and Remote Neural Monitoring as far back as 1987. James Guerin and Company DESERVE A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON! * * Click Here To Watch The https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html Deep State Whistleblower Stan J. Caterbone Interview of February 16, 2022 https://rumble.com/vv4rq4-deep-state-whistleblower.html. Click Here To View the Recent “UPDATED AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No. 08-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center, et.al. of FRIDAY May 6, 2022 https://prothonotary.co.lancaster.pa.us/CivilCourt.Public/(S(widzn3e1kf05oetbhybkyxqm))/Handlers/DocumentHandler.ashx?vid=2316049“.*


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